Dr. Hila Lifshitz-Assaf is an Associate Professor at NYU Stern. She is also a faculty associate at Harvard’s Lab for Innovation Science. Her work received the prestigious INSPIRE grant from the National Science Foundation, has been recognized to have a strong impact on industry, and has been taught at a variety of institutions around the world including MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, London Business School, Columbia, and Carnegie Mellon.


Hila spent 3 years at NASA, studying their adoption of open innovation processes, which led to many insights and an award-winning dissertation and paper. She continues to investigate new innovation processes such as crowdsourcing, open source, open online innovation communities, Wikipedia, hackathons, makeathons, etc.




In this conversation we discuss:

[2:47] Covid situation, teaching remotely.

[4:41] Leading COVID-19 hackathons, open innovation.

[10:37] Crisis as impetus for change.

[14:21] Developing curiosity in early childhood. Questioning boundaries.

[19:01] Pre-academic career: law, consulting, listening to people and seeing their psychology as business drivers.

[25:27] Getting interested in innovation, innovation as the "Big Question" of business.

[28:25] Working with NASA, NASA's culture.

[40:22] Open innovation study at NASA.

[48:01] How peoples' identity can hold innovation back.

[53:28] Growth mindset & belief.

[55:34] The pace of change.

[57:30] The causes of dysfunction.

[1:01:09] Embracing a little chaos.

[1:12:14] Bias towards action.

[1:14:10] Remote work & creativity.

[1:22:05] Managing for creativity.

[1:30:24] A short sermon for creative managers.